Saturday 2 May 2009

Welcome to my blog

Was ever there such a wonderful expression as ‘afternoon tea’?  

Of itself, the words conjure peace, tranquillity and comfort.  

Did ever a phrase convey more of a sense of civilisation and calm?  

Afternoon Tea.  

What beautiful images rise before the inner eye: the comfortably rounded Teapot.  China cups and saucers.  Milk jug and sugar bowl.  Cake plates accompanied by their own special forks.  A small dish containing lemon wedges (for those who prefer their tea a la Russe).  The cake stand.  Comfortable armchairs.  Pleasant conversation.  Crumpets (possibly).  Cake.  Bread-and-butter.  Scones.  The luxurious list goes on and on!

The world of afternoon tea is my world and I welcome you to it with open arms!


  1. Best wishes for your new blog.

  2. CRUMPETS!!!! Yes, yes, yes. I finally got some crumpet rings and made my first ever crumpets two weeks ago. They were wonderful and actually pretty easy....
